Combining dbt and SQLFluff

Jul 4, 2022 Data engineering, Dbt, Sqlfluff 2 min read

In this post I’d like to share how to adopt two very useful tools SQLFluff, a SQL linter, and dbt, a data modelling tool, into a powerful combination and make it work with pre-commit to ensure all your SQLs are properly formatted.

Why to combine them at all? There are a lot of ways to write SQL: leading/trailing commas, lower-upper case of keywords, aliasing table and column names, etc.

Since every data engineer and analyst spends a lot of time reading SQL code, having a standard style helps to improve this process and also makes writing less error-prone.

dbt is a powerful data modelling tool helping to write less boilerplate code with Jinja templates and it has a remarkable ecosystem of different plugins.

Let’s have a look at the example, say we have the following SQL:

  ORDER_DATE AS order_date
  , order_price *0.9 AS discounted_price
from orders

Doesn’t look very reader-friendly, does it?
Now I’m going to install sqlfluff with pip and create a configuration file for it.
In this example I’ll be using BigQuery as a query engine, so you might need to adjust my code for your setup, as well as to enforce certain rules (reference):

Installing sqlfluff, dbt and dependent packages:

pip install sqlfluff
pip install dbt-core
pip install dbt-bigquery
pip install sqlfluff-templater-dbt

How my sqlfliff looks like:

verbose = 1
dialect = bigquery
templater = dbt
recurse = 0
runaway_limit = 10
ignore_templated_areas = True
encoding = autodetect
processes = 4

# NB: This config will only apply in the root folder.
sql_file_exts = .sql
indented_joins = False
indented_using_on = False
template_blocks_indent = True
unwrap_wrapped_queries = True
profiles_dir = profiles/
profile = bigquery
target = prod
apply_dbt_builtins = True
tab_space_size = 4
max_line_length = 110
indent_unit = space
comma_style = leading
allow_scalar = True
single_table_references = consistent
unquoted_identifiers_policy = all

Also we need to ignore certain dbt folders by adding them into .sqlfluffignore:


After running sqlfluff fix we get:

    , order_date AS order_date
    , order_price * 0.9 AS discounted_price
FROM orders

Integration with pre-commit hooks works following:

  - repo:
    rev: 1.1.0
      - id: sqlfluff-fix
        additional_dependencies: ['dbt-core==1.1.0', 'dbt-bigquery==1.1.0', 'sqlfluff-templater-dbt==1.1.0']
        files: |
      - id: sqlfluff-lint
        additional_dependencies: ['dbt-core==1.1.0', 'dbt-bigquery==1.1.0', 'sqlfluff-templater-dbt==1.1.0']
        files: |

Now everytime you want to commit a new change in your dbt models, sqlfluff will try to fix it automatically for you.
Additionally you can integrate this check with Github Actions or other CI/CD tools and require sqlfluff lint to pass before making merging a new code into the main branch.

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