Implementing slim CI for dbt with GitHub Actions

Apr 5, 2022 Data engineering, Dbt, Github actions 1 min read

Recently I’ve started working with dbt, and have to say it’s quite amazing. With this post I’d like to share the approach for deploying only newly created/modified models, known as slim CI.

Imagine we have an Airflow instance executing our dbt DAG daily.

In case we introduce structural changes in our models, or simply by creating a new model, we don’t want to wait till Airflow starts on schedule. Also, we don’t want to fire the whole pipeline execution, because it might be costly to run it multiple times per day.

What we could do in this case is to introduce a new CI step, which will compare differences between old and new models, and run only those, which have changed (and their dependencies/downstream tasks).

How it works with GitHub Actions:

say we have deploy_dbt.yml file describing our CI actions

name: 'Deploy dbt'

      - main
  DBT_VERSION: 1.0.0
    name: Deploy dbt models
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      actions: read
      contents: read
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      # Get commit hash of the last successful deployment, it will be used for comparison
      - uses: nrwl/last-successful-commit-action@v1
        id: last_successful_commit
          branch: 'main'
          workflow_id: 'deploy_dbt.yml'
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      - name: Checkout last successful main
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
          ref: ${{ steps.last_successful_commit.outputs.commit_hash }}
          path: last_successful_main/
      - name: Install dbt & packages
        run: |-
          pip3 install dbt==${{ env.DBT_VERSION }}
          dbt deps          
      - name: Generate last successful manifest.json
        run: >
          dbt compile
          --project-dir last_successful_main/
          --profiles-dir last_successful_main/          
      - name: Build and test new models
        run: >
          dbt build
          --select state:modified+
          --state last_successful_main/target/          

Happy coding!

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